Member-only story

The Retirement Newsletter: What do I need to do to retire?

Issue Number: -131 — Making the lists

5 min readJul 18, 2021
making retirement plans
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Welcome to issue number -131*.

This week, I am mainly going to start talking about pulling together the retirement lists.


OK, last week (issue -132) we looked at how to do a SWOT analysis for our retirement plan, and as I said in the newsletter, you don’t need to do one, but I did, and I found it very useful.

So, the next stage — making the lists.

In newsletter -133, I said I was a big fan of Evernote and that I had used it to plan and manage my retirement plan. I also said that I had used Evernote to produce my lists and track how I was getting on with my plan.

Now, you don’t have to use Evernote to do your planning; there are lots of different programs you can use, but I was familiar with Evernote, and I knew it could do the job I needed to be done.

Planning with Evernote

Putting together my planning lists was relatively straightforward, and I used an approach I learnt from ‘Getting things done’ (GTD — more information on GTD) — the brain dump.




Written by Nick

A scientist and an educator that is planning for the future. The story of my journey from employed to semi-retired and on to fully retired.

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