Member-only story
The Retirement Newsletter: I am not a Baby Boomer?
Issue Number: -91 — If I am not a baby boomer, then what am I? And, does it matter what I am?
Welcome to issue number -91.
Well, I had a bit of a shock last week. I am not what I thought I was — a Baby Boomer. I am something else. But what? And does it matter?
Talking about my generation
Or, as The Who put it:
“talkin’ ‘bout my generation”
I have never been too fussed about the generation idea, and I knew (thought) I was a Baby Boomer but didn’t understand what that meant. Plus, I had no idea about Gen X, Millennials etc. Or whether being called a ‘Boomer’ was an insult or not.
Then, the other week I was chatting with a friend, and she said I wasn’t a Boomer but a Jones. That confused me, so I thought I had better start looking things up.
The first thing I looked at was the number of births in the UK. Why? Well, it seemed to be a good place to start. It turns out it wasn’t; the data is not available. Or if it is, I couldn’t find it. So, I settled for the data for England and Wales, which I found on the Office for National Statistics website — the data.