Member-only story
The Retirement Newsletter: Happy New Year — am I starting my last full calendar year in employment?
Welcome to issue -56 — Happy New Year!
Hopefully, you had a good Christmas.
We are now in the “doldrums” between Christmas and New Year. I’ve always found this time of year to be odd. It feels like a state of limbo — waiting — but waiting for what?
Anyway, Happy New Year.
I hope 2023 turns out to be a good one.
This week, I will ponder my last full year in employment and look back at last year’s New Year Resolutions and Predictions. Plus, I will make some predictions and resolutions for 2023.
And, if all goes to plan, this time next year, I will only have a month or so until I retire. (Remember, I have a weird issue numbering scheme on these newsletters that counts down the weeks until I retire — issue -56, so 56 weeks until I retire. Scary.)
Happy New Year
Can it be 2023?
It doesn’t seem possible.
Now, when I say 2023, I have to check myself because 2023 sounds like I’m living in the future. But…