Member-only story
The Retirement Newsletter: Happy Easter
Issue Number: -41 — Spring is on its way (in the Northern Hemisphere)
Welcome to issue -41, and if you celebrate such things — Happy Easter.
Reflections — Easter and me
For me, Easter is a funny time of the year.
Easter is significant for Christians, with Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
As a kid, Easter was dominated by my mum attending church, Hot Cross Buns, and Easter Eggs.
What I have always found odd about Easter is that it is movable. It moves around the calendar, and I’ve never understood why. If the birth of Christ can have a fixed date — 25th December — then why can’t his execution and resurrection? Some years we can have Easter in March, and some years in late April. It seems odd that such a significant event in the Christian faith moves.
For me, Easter is all about spring, Hot Cross Buns, and Easter eggs.
Easter and Spring
I don’t know if it’s because of all the worry about heating costs over the winter, but spring seems to be teasing me this year. I am eager for the warm days of spring and summer to arrive.