Member-only story
The Retirement Newsletter: Happy Christmas — my last one as an employee
Welcome to issue -7 — Happy Christmas — my last one as an employee.
And, a Merry Christmas to all my readers.
Last Christmas as an employee
It seems odd that this is my last Christmas as an employee.
I have worked the week running up to Christmas since I was sixteen.
As a teenager, I worked in shops during the Christmas holidays.
First, it was a gents’ clothing shop, and then I moved on to a local chemist (pharmacy). At university, I worked Christmas in an off-licence (liquor store).
Of the places I worked in the run-up to Christmas, the off-licence was the best. I enjoyed putting together the Christmas drinks orders and wondering how good their party would be on the day. I got to do the occasional delivery, which we weren’t supposed to do. These deliveries were to drop off booze into the local doctors’ unlocked car boots (trunks) at the surgery and to take spirits to local pubs. It was amazing how much alcohol the doctors used to get from their patients…